Archives de l’auteur : Francine Mestrum

The IMF and Multilateralism

Interesting: the IMF’s view on post-pandemic multilateralism IMF Finance & Development (F&D) Magazine

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The World is Becoming More Authoritarian

The world is becoming more authoritarian as autocratic regimes become even more brazen in their repression. Many democratic governments are backsliding and are adopting authoritarian tactics by restricting free speech and weakening the rule of law, a trend exacerbated by … Continuer la lecture

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A Sustainable Climate is a Basic Human Right

by Tom Coffin One of the first statements in the 97-paragraph agreement at the end of the United Nations’ Climate Change Conference (COP 26) acknowledges that nations have an obligation to respect human rights as they address global warming. Along with more … Continuer la lecture

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Discurso de Lula no Parlamento europeo

Unas lecciones sobre Brasil y sobre el mundo: Leia o discurso de Lula no Parlamento Europeu – Lula

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Discurso de Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador en el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU

Qué quiere decir ‘seguridad’? Discurso del presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador en el Consejo de Seguridad de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas – AMLO (

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The feminist building blocks of a just, sustainable economy

Good and useful article by Jayathi Gosh: The feminist building-blocks of a just, sustainable economy – Future of social democracy | IPS Journal (

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An Earth Constitution. Has its time come?

The world is a failed state. The people of Earth share risks and a common destiny without a governance system able to mute dangers and pursue ambitions. As global crises mount, the need for a supranational basis for policy and … Continuer la lecture

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Traps Lurking at COP26

ETS Group / Silvia Ribeiro will be tracking events at UNFCCC’s COP 26 in Glasgow over the next two weeks, both in person and on-line, and aim to keep you informed about events as they unfold! We’ll be watching out … Continuer la lecture

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Recogiendo tanto los aportes de la asamblea anterior del sábado 13 de marzo pasado, como los debates durante 2019 y cuenta tenida del desarrollo del FSM de enero 2021, proponemos adoptar un doble acuerdo: PRIMERO.- para la discusión considerar dos … Continuer la lecture

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US Billionaire Wealth during COVID

U.S. Billionaire Wealth Surged by 70%, or $2.1 Trillion, During Pandemic; They Are Now Worth a Combined $5 Trillion  America’s billionaires have grown $2.1 trillion richer during the pandemic, their collective fortune skyrocketing by 70 percent — from just short … Continuer la lecture

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